Adiponectin enhances calcium dependency of mouse bladder contraction mediated by protein kinase Cα expression.
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Lipopolysaccharide-induced hypothermia and hypotension are associated with inflammatory signaling that is triggered outside the brain.
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橋本光正, 本田一男
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Soluble epoxide hydrolase as an anti-inflammatory target of the thrombolytic stroke drug candidate SMTP-7.
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Rac1 modulates agonist-induced smooth muscle contraction.
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柴田佳太, 松本亜里沙, 中川歩美, 赤川圭子, 藤田吉明, 小田中友紀, 中村明弘, 山元俊憲
(日本社会薬学会 第32年会, 2013)