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​Neuroprotective mechanisms of SMTP-7 in cerebral infarction model in mice.
Shibata K., Hashimoto T., Nobe K., Hasumi K. and Honda K.

(Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 384, 103-108, 2011.)

Shear stress-dependent effects of lysophosphatidic acid on agonist-induced vasomotor responses in rat mesenteric artery.
Shibata K., Miyazaki T., Ohata H. and Honda K.

(J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 57, 604-610, 2011.)

Distinct effects of tissue-type plasminogen activator and SMTP-7 on cerebrovascular inflammation following thrombolytic reperfusion.
Miyazaki T., Kimura Y., Ohata H., Hashimoto T.Shibata K., Hasumi K. and Honda K.

(Stroke, 42, 1097-1104, 2011.)


アディポネクチン遺伝子改変マウス由来の膀胱平滑筋収縮変化へのprotein kinase Cαの関与

野部浩司, 藤井瑛子, 根来孝治, 中野泰子, 本田一男

(第84回日本薬理学会年会, 2011.)


今若宗太郎, 野部浩司, 本田一男



黄洋一, 渡邊愛菜, 伊藤千昌, 大幡久之, 本田一男





Microarray analysis of gene expression in acetic acid-induced cerebral infarction model with SMTP-7 and t-PA treatment.
Hashimoto T.Shibata K., Hasumi K. and Honda K.

(第84回日本薬理学会年会, 2011.)

Validation of therapeutic activity of SMTPs for stroke in mouse cerebral infarction.
Zhuang J., Shibata K., Hashimoto T., Honda K., Sawada H., Suzuki E. and Hasumi K.

(日本農芸化学会, 2011.)

Showa University School of Pharmacy,

Division of Pharmacology,

Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics

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